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Janine Guillot
Janine Guillot


Janine Guillot is an experienced financial services leader and expert on sustainability disclosure. Most recently, Janine served as Special Advisor to the Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), where she provided strategic counsel to the ISSB Chair and IFRS Foundation Trustees.

Prior, Janine was Chief Executive Officer of the SASB Foundation and the Value Reporting Foundation (VRF). She led SASB and the VRF to global recognition as leaders in investor-focused sustainability disclosure. To meet market demand for simplification of the sustainability disclosure landscape, Janine played a pivotal leadership role in the global effort to create the ISSB. To do so she completed two mergers within two years: the merger of SASB and the International Integrated Reporting Council to become the VRF and the merger of the VRF into the ISSB.

Janine has a distinguished career in financial services. Prior to joining the SASB Foundation, she served as Chief Operating Investment Officer for the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), where her responsibilities included oversight of CalPERS ESG integration and corporate governance programs. Prior to CalPERS, Janine held senior leadership positions at Barclays Global Investors (BGI) and Bank of America, including serving as Chief Operating Officer of BGI’s European and Global Fixed Income businesses.

A graduate of Southern Methodist University (SMU), Janine began her career as a technical accountant and auditor with Ernst & Young. In recognition for her leadership at the intersection of sustainability, accounting and finance, Janine was selected as a 2020 and 2021 NACD Directorship 100 Honoree and named to the 2020 Business Insider's 100 People Transforming Business list. Janine serves on the Board of Directors of Equilibrium Capital, B Lab Global and the International Foundation for Valuing Impacts (IFVI), on the Advisory Board of Blockchain Co-investors, and on the Climate-related Financial Risk Advisory Committee to the US Financial Stability Oversight Council.