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Now is the time to push your portfolio’s potential.

Navigating investment opportunities can be a challenge—whether it’s interest rates, geopolitics or economic uncertainty—but the fundamentals remain the same. Drawing on years of global experience, we identify where to add calculated risk in pursuit of long-term results.

The stage is set. Don’t miss the performance.

Fixed Income
Cash Is Unlikely To Offer Today’s Rate Forever
Forward three-month USD cash rates versus bond market yields
Cash Is Unlikely to Offer Today’s Rate Forever 
Source: Refinitiv, Neuberger Berman. Data as of February 5,2024.1
Generating Income

Market participants think cash rates are on their way down, from more than 5.5% today to more like 4% in a year’s time. In comparison, investing in longer duration bonds today offers the opportunity to enjoy that yield until the bonds mature.

Explore Fixed Income >
Equities Have Historically Performed Well During And After Rate Hikes
Total returns during the 12 months following the final raise of the U.S. policy rate
Equities Have Historically Performed Well During and After Rate Hikes 
Source: Bloomberg, Neuberger Berman. Data as of December 31, 2023.
Getting Equity Market Exposure

Over the past 25 years, when the S&P 500 Index multiple was between 18 and 20 times, the average subsequent one-year excess return over cash was 4.7%. In addition, if rates have peaked, the historical data suggests to us that equities are likely to outperform over the next 12 months.

Explore Equities > 
Hedge Funds, Commodities and Private Equity Can Diversify a Traditional Portfolio
Based on 25 years of monthly returns
Make Your Money Move Alternatives Chart 
Source: Neuberger Berman. Data as of December 31, 2023.2
Seeking Diversifying Risks

As you move out of cash and take more risk in fixed income and equity markets, also consider alternative investments that can add diversification and could help reduce volatility.

Explore Alternatives >
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