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Sebastian Hou
Sebastian Hou
Senior Investment Analyst
Managing Director


14 Years of Industry Experience
3 Years with Neuberger Berman

Sebastian Hou (侯明孝), Managing Director, joined the firm in 2021. Sebastian is a Senior Investment Analyst covering the Technology sector for Neuberger Berman thematic funds. Prior to joining Neuberger Berman, Sebastian was a Managing Director and Head of Technology Research at CLSA since 2015. Sebastian led the Asian technology research team of 30, and he was recognized as the No.1 semiconductors analyst by Asia Money in 2017-2020, and top-5 Asian semiconductors analyst by Institutional Investors in 2019-2020. Before CLSA, Sebastian was a Vice President at Barclays since 2011, covering Greater China semiconductors, capital goods, and green energy sectors. Sebastian received his BA in Finance from National Taiwan University.