Our engagement process, key themes and observations, data summarizing our engagement activities and relevant case studies.

We believe that material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors have a meaningful impact on credit quality and therefore must be an important component of the credit research process. Additionally, engaging with issuers on ESG topics can improve the risk profiles of portfolios over time and aligns with our firm-wide commitment across asset classes to ESG integration and engagement. As a result, Neuberger Berman’s Developed Markets Corporate Credit research team has engaged on approximately 670 ESG issues from April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018 as we continue to lead efforts to increase issuer ESG awareness within our markets.

Importantly, our credit research team is directly leading our engagement efforts with issuers across the high yield, leveraged loan and investment grade credit markets. Our efforts extend beyond the parts of the market historically viewed as easiest to access, as our engagements include privately owned companies, issuers not rated by third party ESG providers and issuers not typically targeted for ESG engagement. We closely track our engagement activities, measure progress and report internally on our current priorities and initiatives. In this report, summary information on our efforts includes an overview of our engagement process, key themes and observations, data summarizing our engagement activities and relevant case studies. We plan to report on our engagement activities on a semiannual basis going forward in order to provide increased transparency to our investors.

ESG Issues Engaged upon with Developed Markets Corporate Credit Issuers

April 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018